Author: Jeaniene Frost
Genre: Urban fantasy/paranormal romance
Pages: Paperback, 355
Published: 2009
Opening Line: "If he catches me, I'm dead."
"Since half-vampire cat Crawfield and her undead lover Bones met six years ago, they've fought against the rogue undead, battled a vengeful Master vampire, and pledged their devotion with a blood bond. Now it's time for a vacation. But their hopes for a perfect Paris holiday are dashed when Cat awakens one night in terror. She's having visions of a vampire named Gregor who's more powerful than Bones and has tie to her past that even Cat herself didn't know about.
"Gregor believes Cat is his and he won't stop until he has her. As the battle beings between the vamp who haunts her nightmares and the one who holds her heart, only Cat can break Gregor's hold over her. She'll need all the power she can summon in order to bring down the baddest bloodsucker she's ever faced . . . even if getting that power will result in an early grave."~ Jacket copy
Thoughts (might contain SPOILERS!): After reading a lot of the reviews on Amazon, I was a little timid when I opened this book. From the descriptions, I was in for a sob, ice cream eating, alcohol induced crying fest. While the crying part is definitely true, I have to argue that Cat drinks less in this book than the previous three.
At the beginning of the book, I really, really hated it. The concept of an unknown past is kind of interesting, but this was too much! Suddenly finding out that she spent a month in Paris with this mysterious vampire when she was 16 was a killer for me. Honestly, it felt as though Frost was doing anything and everything she could to keep the series going. And this latest adventure, was just short of disastrous! For me, this hidden past was too hard for me to believe. However, getting over that, I really enjoyed the book.
Even though the vehicle seems too campy to me, I felt that Frost did pull it off. In addition, I felt that she was able to return to the relationship Cat and Bones had while making it stronger. I must admit, I would have walked out on Bones several times throughout the book!
I found Gregor to be an interesting, well thoughout character. His special abilities really set him apart from the other vampires. Even though he shares the ability to see the future with Mencheres, I found him to be very unique. As fas as Mencheres goes, the reader really got to see his true colours. Never once would I say that Mencheres is evil, but I enjoyed the fact that Frost addressed the issue of what it means to be a thousand year-old vampire with a bloodline to protect. Upon hearing this interesting truths, I understood Cat and Bones' response; however, it really showed how young Bones truly is.
In the previous book, I was a little uncertain about her adding Vlad to the series. He his this amazing mythical and historical character, and I was afraid that she would be unable to tackle that while giving a realistic and unique prospetive. Frost leaves him just vague enough that she doesn't step on any toes. This book, while still staying vague, showed an neat side to Vlad. I feel that, while still maintaining and nodding to his past, she has made Vlad her own.
I felt that some of the problems between Cat and Bones showed a lack of age and experience on both sides. What could have been worked out by cooling down and talking turned into something horrible. Many times, I wondered why Cat didn't just walk away. I was annoyed that Frost made it out to be Cat's fault. Some of the problems Bones lists are not flaws, just admirable character traits (wanting to stop loved ones from being hurt or killed). It frustrated me all the time Cat spent apologizing to Bones. After his behavior, I felt he had more to be contrite over.
Setting aside my feelings for this sudden past, I was able to fully enjoy the novel.
Rating: 4/5
Currently: Malice by Chris Wooding
Pages: 3445
Horror/Urban Fantasy Challenge: 9/24
Current Progress:
10/50 books

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