Author: Chris Wooding
Genre: YA/urban fantasy/steampunk/horror/graphic novel
Pages: Paperback, 379
Published: 2009
Opening Line: "'I have to show you something.'"
'Tall Jake, take me away . . .'
"Everyone's heard the rumors. Call on Tall Jake and he'll take you to Malice, a world that exists inside a horrifying comic book. A place most kids never leave.
"Seth and Kady think it's all a silly myth. But then their friend disappears, and suddenly the rumors don't seem so silly after all . . ."
Thoughts: This book was a birthday present from a friend of mine. He loved The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray. I couldn't ge tinto that book, so I was a little hesitant about this one.
Malice follows Kady, a cute American girl living in England, and Seth. After their friend Luke disappears, they go on a scary and dangerous journey to find the truth behind the rumors of Malice -- the world and the comic book.
This book is really dark. From the cover art and the decription, it really didn't surprise me. However, I wasn't ready for some of the children in the book to die so casually. Granted, the characters in the book take it rather hard; however, Wodding writes it as though it is a normal occurance . . . Well, I suppose, in Malice it is.
I found it interesting that once inside Malice, the world takes on a steampunk type style. The automations are run on something other than steam; however, the concept of the creatures all being automations and made of cogs was very steampunk. It gave the world depth. Something about it also made it feel darker.
I love using the combination of graphic novel and regular novel! It defintiely gave it a unique reading experience. It also allowed the reader to share an experience with the characters in the book. Reading through the graphic novel/comic sections made me feel as though I was one of the unfortunate children to pick up a copy of the comic, Malice.
This was a good book! I really enjoyed it. Currently, I am trying to track down a copy of Havoc, but I'm having no luck!
Rating: 5/5
Currently: Storm Front by Jim Butcher
Pages: 3824
Horror/Urban Fantasy Challenge: 10/24
Current Progress:
11/50 books

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