Author: Jim Butcher
Genre: Urban fantasy
Pages: Paperback, 378
Published: 2001
Opening Lines: "There are reasons I hate to drive fast. For one, the Blue Beetle, the mismatched Volkswagen bug that I putter around in, rattles and groans dangerously at anything above sixty miles an hour."
"Harry Dresden's faced some pretty terrifying foes during his career. Giant scorpions. Oversexed vampires. Psychotic werewolves. It comes with the territory when you're the only professional wizard in the Chicago area phone book.
"But in all Harry's years of supernatural sleuthing, he's never faced anything like this: the spirit world's gone postal. All over Chicago, ghosts are causing trouble -- and not just of the door-slamming, boo-shouting variety. These ghosts are tormented, violent, and deadly. Someone -- or something -- is purposely stirring them up to wreak unearthly havoc. But why? And why do so many of the victims have ties to Harry? If Harry doesn't figure it out soon, he could wind up a ghost himself . . ."~ Jacket copy
Thoughts: Wow, this book was creepy! I debated whether to read this book or one of the horror novels I brought with me, but decided stick with something a little less intense. Ha-ha! Needless to say, I actual liked this book a lot better than the previous two!
Some of my problems, however, revolved around Michael. While I loved him as a character, I couldn't understand why Butcher chose now to bring him into the picture. Again, for some reason, it felt like Butcher was stretching. Also, the beatings that Dresden takes seems pretty unreal. Being able to continue functioning after being thrown across the room into a stone fireplace is a cause for concern. It just makes the suspension of disbelief harder. However, it was nice to finally see him in the hospital!
I missed the banter between Dresden and Murphy in this book, but felt that Butcher was able to cover the missing element with Michael. And adding the element of faith "magic" was rather cool. With all the talk of the Nevernever, magic in general, demons, etc., it was nice to see faith "magic" come into the picture.
All in all, I found this book a lot more enjoyable! My brother, who lent me the whole series, says that the writing style and tone of the books changes with this one. That being the case, I am definitely more excited to continue reading this series. I wanted to like Dresden, but Butcher's writing style wasn't doing any him any favors. But this book was creepy, fast paced, awesome character/development, etc.
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Currently: Graveminder by Melissa Marr
Current Pages: 13812
Current Progress:
38/50 books

Yeah, in my opinion, Summer Knight (book four) is where Butcher really hits his stride: a much larger struggle, and you really get a proper introduction to the more Urban Fantasy-esque elements of his work with the Fae.