My Book Boyfriend is a weekly meme, hosted by Missie at The Unread Reader. What is My Book Boyfriend you might ask. Well it is a weekly meme where we talk about a literary crush including stats, a picture of what you imagine he looks like and some quotes from him that make you swoon.
This week's pick is Dante from A Rush of Wings by Adrian Phoenix. While I don't necessarily find him to be my "boyfriend," he has been on my mind since reading the book ^_~

Dante Prejean (Baptiste)
Black hair
23 years-old
Front man for Inferno
True Blood
Son of Fallen
Dating Heather Wallace

"The overhead lights sparked silver fire from the rings on Dante's fingers and thumbs and glinted from the rows of hoops piercing each ear. Dante rocked the microphone back and forth, leaning it over, straddling it, then stepping back and jerking it up again." (44)

"S found or stole a guitar and is teaching himself to play it. He has an amazing ear and learns rapidly. Shows true musical talent . . ." (378)
The man in the pictures is Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold. He is the lead guitarist for the band.

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